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What is a detail and level and identification survey?
A detail and level/identification survey picks up all existing features including trees, adjoining neighbour properties, visible services, and easements and takes levels over the land. In addition to this, the surveyor determines the location of the property boundaries and the existing buildings in relation to them.
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Why do you need a detail and level and identification survey?
A detail and level/identification survey is a mandatory requirement by an architect/designer to enable the design process. Determination of the property boundaries and building in relation to them is also a mandatory requirement of most local councils.
What can C&A Surveyors do for you?
C&A Surveyors is fully insured and have Registered Surveyors employed to carry out and sign your detail and level/identification survey. We pride ourselves on our three tier quality control process and providing exceptional customer service to all our clients.

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More information about a detail and level and identification survey
The information obtained from a detail and level/identification survey is then calculated and drafted into a survey plan and after going through a three tier quality control process it is provided to you in DWG and PDF file formats for use by your designer.
To avoid rejection by approval bodies such as Council, Detail and Level/Identification Surveys should always be based on Australian Height Datum rather than an assumed datum. We strongly advise you ensure this is the case prior to engaging your surveyor.